
With the start of the New Year and the holidays behind us, it’s time for a Rock Your Jeans New Years Detox! Detox you say? Well, this is not your average detox, meaning we are not going to tell you to drink water for a week straight or fast on a juice binge all week. Instead, we want you to focus on “eating clean.” Below is a summary of the Rock Your Jeans Detox and a description of what eating clean actually means:

Rock Your Jeans Detox
·         No alcohol
·         No junk food. No chips, no soda, no cookies, no white bread etc.
·         Include whole grains
·         Drink at least 6 cups of water each day
·         No fast food
·         Eat a minimum of 4 cups of fruits and/or vegetables each day

What “eating clean” actually means?

  •       Eliminate alcohol. Yes, you heard right. No alcohol for 1 week. For those of you who drink a glass or two with dinner, this may be hard for you. For others, this part of the detox may not faze you. Did you know that alcohol has more calories per gram than protein and carbohydrates? Alcohol is metabolized into fat if it is not used immediately for energy. There are many harmful effects of alcohol including lowered resistance to infection, liver damage, increased blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Did you know that alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium? So, before you reach for that glass of wine or beer this week, think about this detox and try eliminating alcohol from your diet.

  •           Focus on eating naturally nutrient-rich whole foods and cutting back on processed foods. Processed foods include chips, cookies, cakes, crackers, candies, canned meats, hot dogs, sugary breakfast cereals etc. (Example: choose an apple instead of a Nutri Grain Cereal Bar.  Snack on mini carrots instead of chips. Eat oatmeal instead of chocolate cocoa puffs!)

  •        Eliminate regular soda. Yes, I said it. If you have a soda habit, nix the sugary stuff for a week. Try sparkling water with lemon. Switch to unsweetened tea. Drink WATER! Try it! Regular soda is added calories with no nutrients. Definitely will not help you Rock Your Jeans.

  •   Switch to whole grains. Do you always eat white rice? White bread? Switch to whole grains, also known as whole wheat, or brown rice. White rice and white bread is processed and stripped of nutrients and fiber. Fiber helps to remove toxins in the body as well as reduce cholesterol levels. Fiber also helps to “fill you up.” Whole grains are loaded with many B vitamins including Riboflavin, Niacin, Thiamin, Pantothenic Acid and more. These vitamins help with energy production, help maintain healthy skin, and help the body make and sustain new cells.
  •   Drink at least 6 cups of water. Our bodies are about 60 to 70 percent water. Water is vital to digestion and metabolism. Every chemical reaction in our bodies occurs in a water medium! Water helps to remove wastes from our bodies! With all the bootcamp classes, water will help to lubricate your joints! I can’t stress enough how important water is. Sometimes, we may think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. Try it out, drink a cup of water before reaching for a snack.
  •   Eliminate fast food! McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell etc. One week, no fast food. Try it!

  • Eat at least 4 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. One serving includes one cup of raw fruits and/or vegetables and ½ cup cooked vegetables.

If you have any questions about this Rock Your Jeans Detox, please do not hesitate to email me at  jademjs@aol.com

Healthy Eats,
Monica Slingerland, RD

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