Monday, December 26, 2011


Uncooked Quinoa

Quinoa (keen-wah) is a complete plant-based protein, meaning it contains
all nine essential amino acids. It has a nutty flavor and is great on its own, or
you can use it to make yummy salads. My favorite is Quinoa with kale, black beans
and carrots. Quinoa is a quick-cooking grain. Simply place 1 cup uncooked
quinoa and 2 cups water in a rice cooker and you are good to go! Or, bring 2 cups 
of water to a boil. Add 1 cup quinoa, reduce heat to medium and cover with lid.
Continue to cook for 15 minutes. 

Nutrition Facts for 1 cup cooked quinoa:
Calories: 220
Fat: 3.5 g.
Sat Fat: 0
Carbohydrates: 39 g.
Fiber: 5 g.
Sodium: 12 mg.
Protein: 8 g.

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